Emma Marie McClellan

Theresa Lou Epley

Noah Roscoe Ray Hardcastle




Online Tutoring

By Duane

In-person tutoring is generally preferable, especially with children and teens, but on-line tutoring can still fill a void when transportation or timing becomes awkward.

Although it is not ready yet, I am setting up a solution to accommodate on-line tutoring. Please stay tuned.

What to do

One online tutoring is in place, the first step is to insert_php]

$link = mysql_connect("localhost","duanevor","duanevor");

if ( !$link )

die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

if ( !mysql_select_db("duanevore_com_nightdreamer", $link) )

die('Could not select database: ' . mysql_error());

$res=mysql_query("SELECT value FROM wp_custom_parameters WHERE name='email_alias'")

or die(mysql_error());


echo('e-mail me');


In the meantime, you can still e-mail me for information.


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